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  • Silver Membrane Filter / 실버멤브레인필터
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상품간략정보 및 구매기능

Silver Membrane Filter / 실버멤브레인필터

상품 선택옵션 1 개, 추가옵션 0 개

상품코드 1476189963
제조사 Sterlitech
판매사 (주)코리아사이언스
브랜드 -
배송비결제 구매금액이 100,000원 이하인 경우 배송비 3,500원이 자동 결제됩니다.


[45330] Silver Membrane Filters, 0.2 Micron, 13mm  + 1,659,500원
[45345] Silver Membrane Filters, 1.2 Micron, 47mm  + 1,227,200원
[SH12M] Silver Membrane Filter, 1.2 micron, 15mm  + 1,253,900원
[45326] Silver Membrane Filters, 3.0 Micron, 13mm  + 1,659,500원
[45332] Silver Membrane Filters, 3.0 Micron, 25mm  + 970,800원
[45338] Silver Membrane Filters, 3.0 Micron, 37mm  + 864,500원
[45344] Silver Membrane Filters, 3.0 Micron, 47mm  + 1,227,200원
[SH30M] Silver Membrane Filter, 3 micron, 15mm  + 1,253,900원
[45325] Silver Membrane Filters, 5.0 Micron, 13mm  + 1,659,500원
[45331] Silver Membrane Filters, 5.0 Micron, 25mm  + 970,800원
[45337] Silver Membrane Filters, 5.0 Micron, 37mm  + 864,500원
[45343] Silver Membrane Filters, 5.0 Micron, 47mm  + 1,227,200원
[45339] Silver Membrane Filters, 1.2 Micron, 37mm  + 864,500원
[45333] Silver Membrane Filters, 1.2 Micron, 25mm  + 970,800원
[45327] Silver Membrane Filters, 1.2 Micron, 13mm  + 1,659,500원
[45336] Silver Membrane Filters, 0.2 Micron, 25mm  + 970,800원
[45342] Silver Membrane Filters, 0.2 Micron, 37mm  + 864,500원
[45348] Silver Membrane Filters, 0.2 Micron, 47mm  + 1,227,200원
[45328] Silver Membrane Filters, 0.8 Micron, 13mm  + 1,659,500원
[45334] Silver Membrane Filters, 0.8 Micron, 25mm  + 970,800원
[45340] Silver Membrane Filters, 0.8 Micron, 37mm  + 864,500원
[45346] Silver Membrane Filters, 0.8 Micron, 47mm  + 1,227,200원
[45329] Silver Membrane Filters, 0.45 Micron, 13mm  + 1,659,500원
[45335] Silver Membrane Filters, 0.45 Micron, 25mm  + 970,800원
[45341] Silver Membrane Filters, 0.45 Micron, 37mm  + 864,500원
[45347] Silver Membrane Filters, 0.45 Micron, 47mm  + 1,227,200원
[SH50M] Silver Membrane Filter, 5 micron, 15mm  + 1,253,900원


등록된 관련상품이 없습니다.

상품 정보

Silver Membrane







Silver Membrane Filter /

실버 멤브레인 필터





​Silver metal membrane filters are used in a variety of filtration applications, and their ability to withstand

extreme chemical and thermal stress makes them ideal laboratory filtration equipment for applications

involving aggressive fluids and/or high temperatures. Silver metal filter membranes are pure metallic silver

(99.97% pure silver) and are available with particle retention ratings of 0.2 to 5.0 microns. These silver metal

membrane disc filters and sheets are specified in a National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

(NIOSH) standard for the analysis of crystalline and amorphous silica, lead sulfide, boron carbide, and chrystotile

asbestos. Sterlitech's silver metal membranes can be used as the collection media and subsequent x-ray

diffraction substrate for quantifying unknown minerals and compounds.





1. Analytical

X-ray diffraction (XRD); silver metal membranes make
excellent substrates

for XRD analysis - silver purity 99.97% -smooth surface, grayish-white color;

highly reflective surface; absolute surface retention; low background noise;

distinct diffraction peaks.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (EM); smooth; electrically conductive;

extremely thin membrane 50 µm; easy sample preparation.​




2. Gas

Air-borne contaminants - National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

(NIOSH) - used for industrial hygiene in foundries, glass plants, quarries, mines,

ceramic manufacturing - Methods using 0.45 µm, 25 mm: 


*N6011 (Bromine and Chlorine)  *N7500 (Silica, Crystalline)  *N7501 (Silica, Amorphous)

*OSHA ID142 (Quartz and Cristobalite in Workplace Atmospheres)  *N7504 (Vanadium Oxide)

*N7505 (Lead Sulfide)  *N7506 (Boron Carbide)  *N9000 (Asbestos, Crysotile)


Respirable Combustible Dust (RCD) sampling and analysis - 0.8 µm, 25 mm, mines

- measurement of diesel particulate matter, evaporated hydraulic fluids, fuel oils, and

compressed air lubricants by weighing and ashing.

•Dopant gases for semiconductor manufacturing.
•Steam, or air sterilization, autoclavable
•Venting, high temperatures





3. Liquid

•Clarification (3.0-5.0 µm); Polishing (1.2 µm); Sterilization (0.2-0.8 µm)
•Intrinsically Bacteriostatic - Silver does not allow the growth of bacteria and other microorganisms.
•High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) for a clearer; steadier

baseline - may rule out interference from other sources of HPLC solvents

(0.2, 0.45, and 0.8 &micor;m); tolerates high temperatures; gases and

aggressive liquids -- Tetrahydrofuran (THF)



4. Viscous Fluid

•Organic Carbon, inorganic, and suspended-sediment water - 0.45 µm,

47 mm, used by U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
•Lubrication oils for servomechanisms and precision instruments
•Direct-line Applications with a Sprayer
•High-purity fluids in semiconductor applications


5. Other Industrial

•Chlorine Monitoring - Pulp and Paper Industry, disinfection; removal

of tin and zinc in iron; chlorinating hydrocarbons; manufacturing synthetic

 rubber, plastics, pesticides, refrigerants; treating water and sewage
•Electronics Industry - filter coolants, cleaning fluids, sterile air
•Aircraft/Missile Fuels; critical fluids - resists alcohols, fuels, hydrocarbons,

polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), oils, alkalies, ethers
•OSHA - coal tar pitch volatiles, 0.8 µm, 47 mm and 37 mm
•Cold Sterilization (beverages, beer) - absolute particle-retention due to precise pore size
•Soil and clay analysis
•Fly Ash Sampling; Energy Research and Development Agency (ERDA)
•Bacteria Sampling













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