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브랜드 리스트 > 브랜드 상품

  • 제조사명 : Flon Industry

Flon Industry

PTFE bottles wide mouth / PTFE광구병

Flon Industry

PTFE centrifuge tubes / PTFE원심분리튜브

Flon Industry

PTFE centrifuge tubes / PTFE원심분리튜브

Flon Industry

PTFE color strings / PTFE색끈

Flon Industry

PTFE conical bottom test tubes / PTFE원심분리시험관

Flon Industry

PTFE cooling equipment / PTFE냉각기

Flon Industry

PTFE culture plates / PTFE컬처플레이트

Flon Industry

PTFE cylindrical tanks / PTFE원형탱크

Flon Industry

PTFE cylindrical vessel A type / PTFE원형용기A타입

Flon Industry

PTFE cylindrical vessel B type / PTFE원형용기B타입

Flon Industry

PTFE cylindrical vessel C type / PTFE원형용기C타입

Flon Industry

PTFE dipper / PTFE국자

Flon Industry

PTFE dippers / PTFE국자

Flon Industry

PTFE dippers / PTFE국자

Flon Industry

PTFE evaporating basing / PTFE증발접시

Flon Industry

PTFE evaporating basins / PTFE증발접시

Flon Industry

PTFE evaporating basins / PTFE증발접시

Flon Industry

PTFE fibers / PTFE 섬유

Flon Industry

PTFE funnels / PTFE깔대기

Flon Industry

PTFE funnels / PTFE깔대기

Flon Industry

PTFE funnels buchner type / PTFE부크너타입깔대기

Flon Industry

PTFE Hand pump for drums / 드럼용PTFE수동펌프

Flon Industry

PTFE holed sheets / PTFE시트

Flon Industry

PTFE Jars / PTFE용기

Flon Industry

PTFE joint funnels / PTFE조인트깔대기

Flon Industry

PTFE joint funnels buchner / PTFE조인트부크너펀넬

Flon Industry

PTFE melting pots / PTFE멜팅팟

Flon Industry

PTFE mortar pestle sets / PTFE도가니셋트

Flon Industry

PTFE net / PTFE망

Flon Industry

PTFE onetouch sieve frames / PTFE원터치시브프레임

Flon Industry

PTFE petri dishes / PTFE패트리디쉬

Flon Industry

PTFE petri dishes with covers / PTFE패트리디쉬와커버

Flon Industry

PTFE petri dishes with covers / PTFE패트리디쉬와커버

Flon Industry

PTFE reaction plates / PTFE반응플레이트

Flon Industry

PTFE rollers / PTFE롤러

Flon Industry

PTFE round bottom test tubes / PTFE환저시험관

Flon Industry

PTFE scoops / PTFE스쿱

Flon Industry

PTFE shermotec beakers / PTFE Shermotec 비커

Flon Industry

PTFE small circular tank / PTFE소형탱크

Flon Industry

PTFE spatulas / PTFE스패츌라

Flon Industry

PTFE stirring bars barbell type / PTFE교반바(마그네틱바)

Flon Industry

PTFE stirring bars cross type / PTFE교반바(마그네틱바)

Flon Industry

PTFE stirring bars float type / PTFE교반바(마그네틱바)

Flon Industry

PTFE stirring bars gearwheel type / PTFE교반바(마그네틱바)